Cat filters, Hilton, and eternity management
Greetings from North Brooklyn, where our office air conditioning has us buying space heaters despite the fact that it’s the middle of June and it’s messing up our productivity. We have a full house this week at HQ! Some of our out-of-town team members are here, and Charles is excited about the new humans who might […]
Puppies, Bushwick Bill, and Instagram
Greetings from Greenpoint, where we’re having puppy problems: Here at HQ, our employees are doing things like having Casper mattresses delivered to the office and then figuring out how to keep other employees (and dogs) from taking naps on them. We’ve also made significant upgrades to our office greenery situation, much to the chagrin of […]
Sports Illustrated, grandmas, and Mt. Everest
Greetings from Greenpoint, where our grandmothers are getting way too good at technology. Here at the HQ, work is hardly slowing down despite the fact we can now open our office windows. Charles got his summer haircut and had to stay home because he’s feeling self conscious, but we’ve reassured him it’ll look perfect in […]
Data, Gen X, and sexy accents
Greetings from Greenpoint, where white guys may run our company but at least they don’t tell us what to do with our bodies. Here in the office, we’re finding ourselves busier as ever with client meetings, deadlines, and plans to re-decorate the new office. A couple of our team members are also getting married this […]
Liquid death, Twitter, and thoughts of sauce
Greetings from north Brooklyn, where it’s springtime, and our thoughts have naturally turned to sauce: Other than all of the sauce we’re making, we’ve had an exciting week. We moved offices (after just painting the floor in our old one, we know, we know) — but the new one has a mini park view and […]
Geminis, baby names, and emperors
Greetings from Greenpoint, where the Game of Thrones fever is almost as contagious as the measles (too soon?), and we’re finding out what our names would be if we were born today. We have some new faces in the office! Matthew Rothenberg and Kenzo Nakawatase are here to fill out our writing team, but you can […]
Everlane, KFC, and Lionel Pimpin
Greetings from North Brooklyn where it’s measles szn: Luckily, we’re told that dogs cannot get measles so that’s a major relief for at least one member of our team. While we’re not dodging symptomatic Hasidic kids, our hard work continues apace here at LHC’s global HQ. We celebrated a record Q1 with a happy hour last week, and while […]
Iverson, Thanos, and neuromarketing
Greetings from Greenpoint, where we’re testing the limits of our office manager’s patience by tearing up our carpet, putting up wall decals, and blasting Cardboard Rocketship in the office. Oh, and ‘gramming our succulent collection, as one does. New father John Hazard is back in action after changing a million diapers per day on paternity leave. Charles has […]
We won an Oscar for Best Foreign Film
Greetings from Brooklyn, where punk is dead: Happy April Foolz Day, where Spotify tried to prank us by filling our Discover Weekly with Enya songs but the jokes on them because we are not ashamed to admit that here at LHCHQ we LOVE Enya. In other exciting news – we won an Oscar for best […]
Apple, fax machines, and a hot heron
News from LHCHQGreetings from our currently-being-renovated office in Greenpoint, where this newsletter is coming to you a day late because we’ve been busy integrating new technologies into our workflow. Things at LHC continue apace: we’re busy hanging decals on our walls, painting the floors, and flying into a rage when they don’t have Mallomars available on […]