Everlane, KFC, and Lionel Pimpin

Greetings from North Brooklyn where it’s measles szn: Luckily, we’re told that dogs cannot get measles so that’s a major relief for at least one member of our team. While we’re not dodging symptomatic Hasidic kids, our hard work continues apace here at LHC’s global HQ. We celebrated a record Q1 with a happy hour last week, and while […]

Iverson, Thanos, and neuromarketing

Greetings from Greenpoint, where we’re testing the limits of our office manager’s patience by tearing up our carpet, putting up wall decals, and blasting Cardboard Rocketship in the office. Oh, and ‘gramming our succulent collection, as one does.  New father John Hazard is back in action after changing a million diapers per day on paternity leave. Charles has […]

We won an Oscar for Best Foreign Film

Greetings from Brooklyn, where punk is dead:  Happy April Foolz Day, where Spotify tried to prank us by filling our Discover Weekly with Enya songs but the jokes on them because we are not ashamed to admit that here at LHCHQ we LOVE Enya. In other exciting news – we won an Oscar for best […]

Apple, fax machines, and a hot heron

News from LHCHQGreetings from our currently-being-renovated office in Greenpoint, where this newsletter is coming to you a day late because we’ve been busy integrating new technologies into our workflow. Things at LHC continue apace: we’re busy hanging decals on our walls, painting the floors, and flying into a rage when they don’t have Mallomars available on […]

Goldman Sachs, CBD, and creamsicles

Greetings from Greenpoint, where half of the office is in Paris or bringing new human life into the world, and the rest of us are eating day-old croissants and trying to make our pets Instagram famous. We’ve thrilled to announce our newest team member: Ryan Noah Hazard! He’s not exactly creating content yet, but he […]

Reggaeton, struggle porn, and verminfluencers

Greetings from Greenpoint, where we’ve been listening to reggaeton because we always follow the AP style guide: Here in the office, business continues as usual. We’ve celebrated a few employee birthdays (#piscesFTW), had some exciting meetings, and have learned that healthier alternatives to Fruit by the Foot just won’t cut it. The more you know. […]

Thinkruptors, haute couture, and tasty fish

Greetings from Greenpoint, where we’re busy stashing cookies in the pockets of our haute couture. Round the office things continue apace. We’re refining our paternity leave policy, working on a new client project (in the Midwest!), and vibing out to the snow super moon, which a couple of our employees have promised will have significant impact on our emotions […]

Influencers, James Bond, and Tinder for cows

Greetings from Greenpoint, where it’s #nationalloveyourpetday, which is not an official day off for the members of LHC who are not pets. The pets however, are chillin.  Excitement continues round LHCHQ, where we’re psyched for the end of winter as portended by a groundhog, but even more excited that our erstwhile content strategist Tallie’s band has […]

Cam’ron, cops, and flying pink squirrels

Greetings from Greenpoint, where we’ve recently discovered that our new office space not only has fast wifi, but also meditation workshops and wine tastings. It’s like a woke WeWork. A WeWoke, if you would.  *ducks rotten tomato* We’re also pleased to report that ever since we installed our mini fridge, people seem to be working from home a […]

Linkedin, rosé, and the world’s longest cat

Greetings from the frozen tundra of NYC where all the members of our office are bundled AF. Especially Charlie, who can’t understand why we can’t turn the heat up outside when it’s time for his walk. LHC has some massive news this week, which is that we bought a mini fridge, and not just any […]