Content jobs, LeBron, and the internet

Greetings from NYC, where we’re busy wondering whether we need to reexamine our company name: (Note — LHC seems to be safe as an acronym for now, though the folks at the Large Hadron Collider might beg to differ). On to the newz: Content People of the World Unite! Over the last few years, the […]

Bud Dry, Vaporwave, and Action Bronson

Greetings from the very humid streets of NYC, where we’re busy reenacting the opening scene from Weekend at Bernie’s: July 4th has been great fun for us humans, though less so for our social media manager Charles the Dog, who spent most of the holiday huddled in a bathtub cursing whoever invented fireworks.  It did make […]

Live from the Bitcoin pool party

Hello from NYC, where we’ve been busy not going to Cannes, which, according to Digiday, is way cooler than actually going to Cannes. We were sad to miss the Scrooge McDuck-style pool filled with bitcoin though:  While everyone else is bathing in cryptocurrency, we’re hard at work trying to learn how to pronounce xxtentacion’s name […]

Local celebrity canine

Hello from NYC, where we’re wondering, as always, qu’est ce que c’est: When we’re not busy creating burner accounts to tweet in defense of our fashion choices and hiring tailors to increase the size of our shirt collars, we’re heads down on a secret project that will TOTALLY revolutionize content marketing (or possibly just be a […]

Big data, Catacombs, and Bar Mitzvahs

Hello from NYC, where all the good concerts take place inside catacombs. Crypt concerts notwithstanding, we’re still a bit peeved that we didn’t get invited out to Kanye’s album release party, but we’re trying not to let it get in the way of our work, since we have a couple of super interesting client projects […]

McKinsey, Opioids, and Philip K. Dick

News from LHC HQGreetings! We’ve returned from our various far-flung travels just in time for rooftop BBQ season in NY (just don’t tell the NYPD / our landlords). While our grilling game may be a little bit suspect, our content chops remain unparalleled. This week finds us rolling up our sleeves and getting into the […]

On the road again

Happy Tuesday from NYC, home of competitive Mother’s Day brunching.  Today’s update is a short one, as LHC is globetrotting this week — mostly searching for chips, but also visiting clients in various far-flung locales including Bucharest, Amsterdam, Los Angeles, not to mention that most exotic of destinations: Lower Manhattan.  If you want us to send […]

The App Store is a magazine, and Nic Cage is a Twitter robot

Hello all! Our weekly update is coming at you a day late, owing to us staying up way too late on Sunday night looking at memes. We regret nothing (we regret a little bit). Our big news of last week, as it is most weeks, was canine-related, in that our social media manager Charles the […]

Adventures in SponCon

Hello great friends, and welcome back to our weekly missive! Life is good  here at the HQ, where we’re busy learning the correct pronunciation of Moleskine, eating scones, and launching new (and slightly off-brand) Instagram accounts. We also managed to find time last week to travel deep into Brooklyn to meet with the founders of Storey, […]

You say stakeholder; I say steakholder

News from HQAaaaaaand we’re back. Hello from NYC, where we’re busy wondering where spring went and more importantly: who is the DEA’s graphic designer, and how can we get them to redesign our logo. Au revoir, lighthouse photo and lowercase Helvetica; helloooo glow sticks, pacifier, and Grim Reaper. In other news, excitement continues apace here at […]