Can companies really be allies?
Brands talk a good game on social media. Does it mean anything? Most social media is inherently performative. Often, it seems like soapboxing posts are just ways for people to give themselves a digital pat on the back, in the same way that sunset selfies and food shots show off just how totally aspirational their […]
You schmooze, you lose
Is there any replacement for the expense-account martini? Greetings from our various living spaces, where we are desperately trying to recreate the camaraderie of our office by deploying increasingly arcane Zoom backgrounds and using our LHC branded, tax deductible (supposedly?) pickup truck to hand-deliver snacks to various corners of the 5 boroughs: Now on to […]
How to communicate in a crisis
Greetings from New York, California, Edmonton, and beyond, where our newly-remote workforce is maintaining a strict social distance. The U.S. is now leading the world in coronavirus cases, and our heart goes out to the small businesses, service staff, gig workers and so many others whose incomes have evaporated overnight. We hope everyone is as […]